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Dynamic Community Detection(DCD).rst

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Dynamic Community Detection (DCD)

Once we have a set of n by n adjacency matrices for a temporal network with T many snapshots, we can create a temporal_network object. One can input either a list of adjacency matrices, an edge list or, a supra-adjacency matrix in order to construct the temporal network.

Skeleton coupling

The API is designed to perform a GridSearch on the parameter spaces of algorithms. For example, if one is utilizing skeleton coupling Multilayer Modularity Maximization, then you can provide a range of values for resolutions parameter and interlayer edge weights. Note that by default, interlayer coupling will be uniform diagonal.

interlayer_edge_weights = np.linspace(0, 1, 6)
resolutions_parameters = np.linspace(0.9, 1.1, 6)

partitions, C = TN.run_community_detection(method = 'MMM', ## modularity maximization
                                       update_method = 'skeleton', ## skeleton coupling
                                       interlayers = interlayer_edge_weights, #gridsearch parameters1
                                       resolutions = resolution_parameters, #gridsearch parameters2
                                       spikes = spikes) # Spike train

Alternatively, if one wants to use skeleton coupling with Infomap, below is an example code. Note that, if one wants to test a single parameter, they need to pass an array-like for the GridSearch to run properly.

interlayer_edge_weights = [0.2]
edge_thresholds = [0.5]

thresholded_adjacency_matrices = []
#we need to build a new temporal network object in which edge weights are thresholded
for i in range(layers):

TN_thresholded = temporal_network(size, length, window_size, data = 'list__adjacency', list_adjacency = thresholded_adjacency_matrices, omega = 1, kind = 'ordinal')

pred_partitions, C = TN_thresholded.run_community_detection(method = 'Infomap', ## modularity maximization
                                       update_method = 'skeleton', ## skeleton coupling
                                       interlayers = interlayer_edge_weights, #gridsearch parameters1
                                       thresholds = edge_thresholds, #gridsearch parameters2
                                       spikes = spikes) # Spike train

In general, below code returns a dictionary whose values are accessed by '%d,%d'%(t,node) where 0 <  = t <  = Tmax − 1 is the layer id in which a node is belong to and node is the node id. Each value is a list of nodes (or an empty list) indicating the skeleton coupling assignment of the node in snaphot t.

membership_static = TN.infomap_static(adjacency_matrices)
bridge_links = TN.find_skeleton(membership_static)

membership_static = TN.MMM_static()
bridge_links = TN.find_skeleton(membership_static)

Refer to the supplementary material of the paper for the psedocode computing skeleton coupling edges.

Computing partition quality

Once we found predicted partitions, we can compare them with the ground truth to compute accuracy of the algorithms on a grid of parameters. For example, one can compute normalized mutual information (NMI), adjusted rand index (ARI), accuracy and F1-scores.

NMI_mmm = np.zeros((len(interlayers), len(resolutions)))
ARI_mmm = np.zeros((len(interlayers), len(resolutions)))
ACC_mmm = np.zeros((len(interlayers), len(resolutions)))
F1S_mmm = np.zeros((len(interlayers), len(resolutions)))

true_labels = generate_ground_truth(comm_sizes, community_operation = 'grow')

for i, e in enumerate(interlayers):
    for j, f in enumerate(resolutions):
        NMI_mmm[i][j] = normalized_mutual_info_score(true_labels, list(C[i*len(resolutions)+j].astype(int)))
        ARI_mmm[i][j] = adjusted_rand_score(true_labels, list(C[i*len(resolutions)+j].astype(int)))
        F1S_mmm[i][j] = f1_score(true_labels, list(C[i*len(resolutions)+j].astype(int)), average = 'weighted')
        ACC_mmm[i][j] = accuracy_score(true_labels, list(C[i*len(resolutions)+j].astype(int)), normalize = True)

Shade of the color represents different partition quality metrics in each panel.

Shade of the color represents different partition quality metrics in each panel.